All you need


Proper equipment of course increases the enjoyment of your tour along the BikeTrainTour Teuto-Senne. And appropriate maps are always very helpful for cyclists.

BahnRadRoute Teuto-Senne

Von Osnabrück nach Paderborn
bikeline Radtourenbuch
Maßstab 1:50.000
Ca. 144 Seiten
1. Auflage 2011
Preis: 12,90 €
ISBN: 978-3-85000-302-5
Verlag Esterbauer GmbH
Extra bonus: The touring book is weather-proof and contains a list of overnights stays.

Both publications are available at book-stores and tourist information offices along the route.

Additional advance information may always be asked for at the individual places along the route. Information material may also be ordered there.
Contact the tourist information offices here.

You may download the current flyer of the BikeTrainTour tours here.