Teuto-Senne Tour Characteristics


The BikeTrainTour Teuto-Senne follows the South side of the Teutoburg Forest. Starting in the historical city centre of Osnabrück; through the beautiful, diver-sified Osnabrück region you reach the Ravensberger region: gorgeous alleys, hedge-lined lanes, moated castles and the genuine nature of the Senne with its blooming heather and fragrant pine forests. The mighty cathedral and the Impe-rial Palace of the old imperial city of Paderborn bestow an impressive end to this tour.

Start and Finish: Osnabrück - Paderborn


Length of tour: 140 - 160 km


Comfortable tour on the Paderborn leg, because the Senne is very flat. The Northern stretch has some ascending slopes, but these can be avoided by
using alternative routes.

black arrow: direction Paderborn
red arrow: direction Osnabrück


Tour route:

Osnabrück - Hasbergen - Hagen - Georgsmarienhütte - Bad Iburg - Hilter a.T W - Bad Rothenfelde - Dissen a.T W - Versmold - Borgholzhausen - Halle (Westf.) - Steinhagen - Bielefeld - Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock - Verl - Hövelhof - Delbrück - Paderborn


General map of BikeTrainTour Teuto-Senne